Pflichtbereich Conception of Machines

ModuleTitleLV TypeCPLVDatesExamination
Advanced Finite Element Methods for EngineersAdvanced Finite Element Methods for EngineersFach-/Modulprüfung5462573
Advanced Finite Element Methods for EngineersVorlesung458237Mo 14:30-16:00 HKW 2 (1132|303) (×15)
Do 14:30-16:00 Online-Veranstaltung (×15)
Advanced Finite Element Methods for EngineersÜbung459776Mo 12:30-14:00 1220|312 (×15)
Di 12:30-14:00 H11 (1385|218) (×1)
Mi 12:30-14:00 1220|312 (×14)
Advanced Software EngineeringAdvanced Software EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung5462734
Advanced Software Engineering - International AcademyVorlesung459669Do 16:30-18:00 AH V (2356|050) (×13)
Advanced Software Engineering - International AcademyÜbung458014Do 18:30-20:00 AH V (2356|050) (×11)
Continuum MechanicsContinuum Mechanics (Kontinuumsmechanik)Fach-/Modulprüfung5466517
Failure of Structures and Structural ElementsFailure of Structures and Structural ElementsFach-/Modulprüfung5462704
Linear Control SystemsControl EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung3462490
Linear Control SystemsFach-/Modulprüfung3482357
Linear Control Systems LectureVorlesung459272Mi 10:30-12:00 H05 (1385|105) (×14)
Linear Control Systems ExerciseÜbung458603Fr 14:30-16:00 AH V (2356|050) (×1)
Fr 14:30-16:00 H05 (1385|105) (×14)
Machine Design Process and Practical Applications of CAETPrüfung Machine Design Process + CAETFach-/Modulprüfung7463388
Practical Applications of Computer-Aided Engineering ToolsÜbung459985Mi 08:30-13:00 ZuseLab S1 (2315|203) (×1)
Do 08:30-13:00 ZuseLab S1 (2315|203) (×1)
Fr 08:30-13:00 ZuseLab S1 (2315|203) (×1)
Machine Design ProcessVorlesung458991Di 14:30-16:00 klPhys (1090|334) (×11)
Machine Design ProcessÜbung459180Fr 08:30-10:00 H09 (1385|220) (×11)
Multibody DynamicsDynamik der MehrkörpersystemeFach-/Modulprüfung5462815
Multibody DynamicsFach-/Modulprüfung5463737
Nonlinear Structural MechanicsNonlinear Structural MechanicsFach-/Modulprüfung5466516
Numerical Methods in Mechanical EngineeringNumerical Methods in Mechanical EngineeringFach-/Modulprüfung7466371
Numerical Methods in Mechanical EngineeringVorlesung458436Mo 10:30-12:00 PPS H2 (2315|001) (×15)
Do 12:30-14:00 AS (1050|U101) (×1)
Do 12:30-14:00 HKW 2 (1132|303) (×6)
Numerical Methods in Mechanical EngineeringÜbung459195Do 10:30-12:00 ZuseLab C3 (2315|211) (×15)
Do 10:30-12:00 ZuseLab C4 (2315|201) (×7)
Do 10:30-12:00 ZuseLab C5 (2315|202) (×7)
Porous Media MechanicsMechanik poröser MedienFach-/Modulprüfung4466146
Simulation of Discrete Event SystemsSimulation of Discrete Event Systems, für MasterstudentenFach-/Modulprüfung5464907